In 500-600 words, describe the evolution of higher education in the United States.
Your response should touch on the following topics (30 pts.):
Events that influenced the evolution of higher education
Purpose and creation
Minority Serving Institutions
Traditional/Predominantly White Institutions
Morrill Act(s)
Higher Education Act
2. In 500-600 words, describe the history of affirmative action.
Your response should touch on the following topics (30 pts.):
Civil Rights Act
Equity vs. Equality
Significance of LBJ Howard commencement speech
Affirmative action
3.In 500-600 words, describe the “Holistic Review” admissions process used by some institutions.
Your response should touch on the following topics (30 pts.):
Holistic review description
How the process occurs
Two court cases that prohibited the use of race in admissions
Two court cases that permitted the use of race in admissions
4. In 500-700 words, use court cases presented in class to describe how higher education became segregated and then desegregated.
Your response should include six total court cases (40 pts.):
Three segregation of higher education court cases
Three desegregation of higher education court cases
5.In 400-500 words, describe the purpose of academic freedom.
Your response should include the following (20 pts.):
Two court cases that pertain to academic freedom