1st READ THE POWERPOINT and PDF File [attached]
Triple negative breast cancer pdf file
Cancer Epidemiology Lecture ppt file
You are going to design the next study of triple-negative breast cancer using the populations of Toledo, Ohio and Lima, Ohio. If you are unfamiliar with Lima, OH, look it up online to get an idea of the population and why it is similar to Toledo. The readings should provide a nice guide for you but take the initiative and search for additional journal.
The study needs to start with the basics – study design, variables measured, population(s), inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection tools, data analysis plan, and advantages and disadvantages to your methods. 
You have to think critically and use your along with the lecture and reading materials, and your searching. 
Q1:What is the rationale for your study?
Q2:What is/are your research hypothesis(es)? How will you test these?
Q3:Why Toledo and Lima?  Why could these be good cities to use?
Q4:What communication strategies would you employ for the different sectors of each city’s population (e.g. race, ethnicity, gender, religion)? How do you reach these sectors and successfully recruit them into your study? Be very, very specific.
Q5:Describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating triple-negative breast cancer information to Toledo and Lima citizens.
Q6:What is the ideal study design to use for your research?  Remember you are studying a chronic disease that is still relatively uncommon in triple-negative.
Q7:Given your study design plan, from where would you obtain your potential study participants?  Why?
Q8:Do you need Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval from a school or hospital?
Q9:Who would be your controls (this could be a clue for your design, right? J)?  Why?
Q10:What inclusion criteria would you use?  List at least three.
Q11:What exclusion criteria would you use?  List at least three.
Q12:What demographic variable data would you collect (e.g. age, race, education)?  How would you choose to collect these data?  You could use a mix of methods.
What anthropometric data would you collect?  Would you get this from the medical record and/or take your own measurements?
Q13:What medical data would you collect?  Would you get this from the medical record?
Q14:What past history information, potential risk factor would you collect from each participant?  How would collect these data?  Think about efficiency and accuracy of participant response.  Why collect these data?
Q15:Please list some of your questions that you would use to collect data via interview or survey of your participants.  We will go through them in class to see their utility and how they might be improved, if needed.
Q16:How will you try to reduce bias in the study design and data collection phases?
Q17:What measure(s) of association will be calculated and why?
Q18:What potential confounding variables will you need to assess during the analysis?  Why?